; ;
Rue Hors-Château 62
4000 Liège (Belgium)
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The hotel is located in the very heart of historic Liège, close to the city centre and most of the best-known museums and churches. .
A stone’s throw away from the Grand Curtius Museum, the hotel is rooted in the centre of the Cité Ardente (150 metres away from the Place du Marché, 800 metres from the famous Carré, the mythical setting for Liège's nightlife, 500 metres away from the Opéra, 100 metres from the Museum of Walloon Life and Folklore, 200 metres from the Méga Museum, 700 metres from the Cathédrale, 400 metres from the famous Baptismal Fonts in the Church of St. Bartholomew).
Stiamo cercando le migliori camere disponibili
Check in | Chek-in possibile tra le 16:00 e le 20:30. |
Termini e condizioni di prenotazione |
Hereby conditions and cancellation policy.The applied amounts en percentages are to be paid by the guest.
Metodi di pagamento |
Carte di credito accettate |
Internet | WIFI gratuito |
Cibo & bevande | Ristorante, Colazione continentale |
Attività | Ristoranti e bar nelle vicinanze |
Rue Hors-Château 62
4000 Liège (Belgium)
I prezzi in valuta straniera sono puramente indicativi e vengono forniti a solo scopo informativo. Le prenotazioni vengono effettuate esclusivamente nella valuta di l'hotel.