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Check in | Check-in possible between 17:00 and 22:00. |
Check out | Check-out possible between 7:00 and 11:00. |
Booking terms & conditions |
We accept only guaranteed reservations by bank transfer. In case of your failure to pay the corresponding deposit within the allotted time, your reservation will be automatically canceled and we reserve us the right to re-let the room. A check-in will only be possible if the full amount of the reservation is payed. It is also possible to pay your whole reservation in advance, otherwise the balance of the room is to be settled on arrival in cash. (No credit card or debit card). A valid passport or identity card must be shown on arrival. Every changing or cancellation of a reservation needs a written form that will be confirmed by us. A reservation can be cancelled until 14 days before the date of arrival without any charges and the deposit paid will be refunded. This delay passed or in case of no-show, the first seven nights will be fully charged (late cancellation fee). We recommend you to complete a "travel insurance" which will reimburse you the arising cancellation fees. Such insurance may be included, for example, in your house insurance, credit card or automobile club membership. The minimum stay is 7 nights (excluding Mid-Week single room). No refund in case of late arrival or early departure. A final cleaning fee of € 95.- is charged once per stay (excluding Mid-Week single room).
Internet | Free WIFI |
Services | Safe, Television, Weekly room cleaning (without kitchenette) |
General | Non-smoking rooms, Elevator, City centre, Near train station |
Activities | Restaurants and bars |
Parking | Private Parking chargeable |
Food & drinks | Kitchenette |