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Check in | Check-in possible from 14:00. |
Check out | Check-out possible between 0:00 and 11:00. |
Booking terms & conditions |
We apply the following cancellation conditions: Refundable bookings: Free cancellation up to 7 days before arrival. If you cancel later fee will be charged. These costs are equal to the amount of booking. Only when you book directly, there is a possibility to get a refund. If we can rent the room again, we will refund (part of) the amount (minus administration costs). Non-refundable bookings: These rates are considerably lower. The reason is that when one books a room the total amount must be paid immediately and cancellation is not possible anymore. |
Payment methods |
Accepted credit cards Wire transfer |
Internet | Free WIFI |
Food & drinks | Continental Breakfast |
Services | Bike rental, Ticket service |
General | Newspapers, Non-smoking rooms, Gay friendly, Museum Area, Near Airport, Near Highway, Near metro, Near train station, Bus stop nearby |
Activities | Restaurants and bars |