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The Baan Hotel is splendidly located at a small harbour in Rotterdam, close to the vibrant city centre, as well as the Erasmus University and several museums. This midrange family hotel serves a marvellous breakfast every day and offers comfortable, clean rooms. The bar is a great place for a drink, while admiring the view of the harbour.

Įsiregistravimas Įsiregistruoti galima nuo 15:00 iki 20:00.
Išsiregistravimas Išsiregistruoti galima iki 11:00.

Užsakymo sąlygos

Hereby conditions and cancellation policy.The applied amounts en percentages are to be paid by the guest.

Special conditions are prior to the main cancellation conditions when applied.

Main conditions and policy (Individual booking)

  • Less than 14 days before date of arrival: 100 % of total rate.

Special conditions (groups*)

    • Between
    • 14 and 0 day(s) before arrival: 100%
    • Between 21 and 8 Days before arrival: 50 %

(*) groups = Ever

  • y booking of 3 or more rooms
Mokėjimo būdai

 Priimamos kredito kortelės

 Direct payment provided by Mollie

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