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Quatre Mains  is more than just a piano store.

It is a place where music is celebrated , were musicians gather and create and guests enjoy.

Check-in Check-in possible entre 15:00 et 22:00.
Check-out Check-out possible entre 7:30 et 11:00.

Conditions de réservation

Cancellation policy

Standard Rate : The guest will be charged the total price if they cancel within 48 hours before arrival.

Early Bird Rate : The guest will be charged the total price.    The reservation is not refundable and non cancelable

Méthodes de paiement

 Direct payment provided by Mollie

Internet Internet gratuit
Alimentation et boissons Café et thé gratuits, Cuisine en commun, Réfrigérateur commun
Services Consigne à bagages, Sécurité, Babysitting/garderie, à proximité de l'arrêt de tramway
Général à proximité de la gare, Séchoir, Arrêt de bus à proximité, Des salons de piano, Patio
Parking Guestparking nearr hotel