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Salons Devrede in Ichtegem has the perfect accommodations for each party A successful party. Everything can be adjusted according to the wishes of the customer. Recently the hotel added to our list of services. This conscious choice ensures that we can fully gourmet pampered. All 9 completely new rooms are equipped with a private bath, cable TV, telephone and ADSL Internet access. The hotel is open 7 to 7 !
入住 办理入住时间为 14:00 至 22:00。


以下为条件和取消政策。宾客应支付适用的金额和百分比。适用时,特殊条件优先于主要取消条件。主要条件和政策(个人预订),抵达日期前不到 48 小时:第一晚。特殊条件(团体*),抵达前 7 至 0 天:100%。抵达前 21 至 8 天:50%。抵达前 3 周以上:25 欧元。(*)团体 = 每次预订 3 间或以上客房。
