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Savour the picturesque, green surroundings of the Bremberg Hotel and enjoy a pleasant, peaceful stay in this sophisticated establishment with its extensive conference centre. Its location at the edge of a vast and magnificent forest offers a beautiful, scenic environment in which you have ample opportunity to go running, hiking or cycling. You can make use of one the many fully equipped conference rooms to organise meetings or seminars. Take advantage of the hotel's convenient position and take a 10-minute drive to historical Leuven or a 25-minute drive to impressive Brussels, the capital of Europe. Also venture out to the charming, monumental town of Haasrode and take some time to sit out on the terrace with your favourite drink and absorb the tranquil surroundings. You can have dinner in our stylish restaurant (after reservation) and, after a night cap, retreat to your cosy, elegant room for a quiet night's rest.
入住 | 办理入住时间为 15:00 至 00:00。 |
预订条款和条件 |
以下为条件和取消政策。宾客应支付适用的金额和百分比。适用时,特殊条件优先于主要取消条件。主要条件和政策(个人预订),抵达日期前不到 48 小时:第一晚。特殊条件(团体*),抵达前 7 至 0 天:100%。抵达前 21 至 8 天:50%。抵达前 3 周以上:25 欧元。(*)团体 = 每次预订 3 间或以上客房。 |
付款方式 |
接受的信用卡 |
网络 | 无线网络 |
停车 | 酒店内免费泊车, 泊车 |
餐饮 | 餐厅, 酒吧, 自助早餐 |
服务 | 24 小时前台, 行李存放, 传真/复印, 快速办理入住/退房, 安全保管箱 |
概况 | 报纸, 禁烟客房, 无障碍设施, 花园, 允许携带宠物, 露台, 儿童游乐场, 商务中心, 会议/宴会设施, 郊区, 森林, 靠近高架, 全景 |
活动 | 骑车, 步行 |