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Check in Check-in possible between 17:00 and 19:00.
Check out Check-out possible between 8:00 and 10:30.

Booking terms & conditions


Any cancellation must be notified by registered letter to the owner at the latest 30 days before entry into possession for loges.


The deposit paid will be returned 100% if the cancellation occurs 1 month before the day of arrival.


Any cancellation less than a month before arrival will result in the loss of the 50% deposit.


If the stay is shortened by the tenant and if the responsibility of the owner is not questioned, the rental price remains with the owner. There will be no refund.


In case of cancellation of the rental by the owner (force majeure), the latter will reimburse the tenant the amount of the deposit received.


Payment methods

 Wire transfer

Internet Free internet
Parking Free parking
Food & drinks Packed Lunches
General Non-smoking rooms, Family rooms, Garden, Soundproof-rooms, Terrace, Children play ground, Country-side, Forest
Activities Cycling, Hiking