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Restaurant and hostellerie Vivendum still has the quiet historic atmosphere of the former Chaplains House built in 1736.Vivendum's modern interieur forms a harmonic contrasts with its authentic elements.Vivendum owner Alex Clevers offer his guests excellent cuisine and an warm Hospitality/From here you have a perfect road connection between Lanaken / Maastricht en Hasselt Antwerpen or Brussel between 20 minutes till 1 houres. Member of the "les Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe".
入住 办理入住时间为 16:00 至 22:00。
退房 11:00 前可退房。


以下为条件和取消政策。宾客应支付适用的金额和百分比。适用时,特殊条件优先于主要取消条件。主要条件和政策(个人预订),抵达日期前不到 48 小时:第一晚。特殊条件(团体*),抵达前 7 至 0 天:100%。抵达前 21 至 8 天:50%。抵达前 3 周以上:25 欧元。(*)团体 = 每次预订 3 间或以上客房。


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