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Check in Check-in possible between 14:00 and 0:00.
Check out Check-out possible until 11:00.

Booking terms & conditions

Prices are displayed with all taxes included.

All reservations are non-refundable and in case of modification, cancellation and no-show the total price of the reservation will be charged. Reservations are guaranteed by credit card. For some reservations we might ask to do a full/partial prepayment.

Check in starts from 14:00 on arrival date.

No visitors are allowed in the rooms.

Smoking in the hotel is not allowed and is subject to Euro 250.- cleaning fine.

For every reservation we verify the validity of the credit card by making an authorization of Euro 100,-. An authorization is not a payment but a reserved amount, a hold, which acts as a guarantee for both parties.

Please note that a safety deposit of EUR 100 (cash or credit card) may be asked for groups of young guests.

Please note that the hotel is located in a residential area and guests are required to refrain from making excessive noise at and near the property.

Please, note that all guests are obliged to behave socially responsible during their stay in the hotel. In case of guests’ misbehavior, including noise disturbance, neighbour complaints, property damage and offensive behavior towards staff and other guests, employees of the hotel are entitled to ask guests to leave the hotel immediately without a refund and/or to compensate the cost of damage.

Payment methods

 Accepted credit cards

Internet Free WIFI
Services Luggage storage, Safe, Close to tram stop, Mini fridge
General Non-smoking rooms, Museum Area