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Hotel Julien is located around green patios in the centre of Antwerpen, a 5-minute walk from Groenplaats Square. The roof terrace offers unique view of the city.

The guest rooms are situated in 2 historic buildings and have a modern in style. They are equipped with a bath or rain shower and free Wi-Fi.

You can relax in the lounge area with books and magazines or have a drink in the bar. The spa is located in the 16th century cellars and offers a steam bath, sauna and rain shower. The spa and massages require an extra charge.

Julien Hotel is located a 3-minute walk from De Meir shopping street and the Antwerp Cathedral.

Įsiregistravimas Įsiregistruoti galima nuo 15:00.
Išsiregistravimas Išsiregistruoti galima iki 12:00.

Užsakymo sąlygos

The applied amounts and percentages are to be paid by the guest.

Main conditions and policy (Individual booking)

  • Less than 48 hrs (before 3:00 PM) before date of arrival: entire stay
  • In case of no show: entire stay

Non-refundable and Rack rates:

  • The total amount of the stay will be charged to the creditcard provided upon making the reservation.
  • The reservation cannot be cancelled nor modified free of charge.
  • In case of cancellation, modification or no show, the total amount charged upon making the reservation will not be refunded.

Special conditions (groups*)

(*) groups = Every booking more than 3 rooms.

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 Priimamos kredito kortelės

Internetas Interneto paslauga, Nemokamas internetas, Nemokamas „Wi-Fi“
Maistas bei gėrimai Restoranas, Baras, Pusryčiai kambaryje, Bufetiniai pusryciai, Kontinentiniai pusryciai
Paslaugos 24 val. veikianti registratūra, Lagaminų saugykla, Faksas / fotokopijavimas, Seifas, Maršrutinis autobusas iki oro uosto, Aukle / paslaugos vaikams, Sausasis valymas, Lyginimo paslauga, Skalbykla, Kambariu aptarnavimas, Batu blizginimas, Arti tramvajaus stoteles
Bendroji zona Laikraščiai, Kambariai nerūkantiems, Pritaikyta neįgaliesiems, Kambariai šeimoms, Liftas, Dizainerio apipavidalintas viešbutis, Sodas, Palankus gejams, Kambariai su garso izoliacija, Terasa, Miesto centras, Muzieju zona, Arti oro uosto, Arti parodu centro, Arti metro, Arti traukiniu stoties, Panoraminis vaizdas, Džiovykle
Veikla Motociklu sportas, Bilijardas, Kazino, Hamamas, Biblioteka, Masažas, Sauna, Spa bei sveikatingumo centras, Turkiška / garine pirtis, Vieta pasivaikšciojimams, Suvenyrai / dovanu parduotuve, Prekybos centras, Ižymybiu apžiurejimas, Muziejai