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Roemer Visscherstraat 1
1054 EV Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
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The Owl Hotel is a monumental building situated in the centre of Amsterdam, within walking distance of Leidseplein with its many restaurants, cafés and shopping streets.
The city's entertainment centre, Vondelpark, the Opera and the large number of museums are located within walking distance.
The RAI convention centre, the Central Station and Schiphol Airport are within easy reach by car or public transport.
入住 | 办理入住时间为 14:00 至 5:00。 |
预订条款和条件 |
Booking Terms & Conditions
付款方式 |
接受的信用卡 Direct payment provided by Mollie |
服务 | 24 小时前台, 机场班车, 自行车租赁, 票务服务 |
概况 | 露台 |
Roemer Visscherstraat 1
1054 EV Amsterdam (The Netherlands)