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Check in Check-in possible between 17:30 and 22:45.
Check out Check-out possible between 7:30 and 11:30.

Booking terms & conditions

Booking Terms and Conditions

Cancellation: The cancellation and prepayment conditions vary depending on the type of accommodation chosen. Please refer to the specific conditions applicable to each option at the time of booking.

Unless otherwise stated, reservations come with free cancellation up to 5 days before your arrival date. Prepayment for the room may be made within the 5 days prior to arrival. If no prepayment is made, payment will be collected on-site at check-in. Your credit card information is required to guarantee your reservation until your arrival at the hotel.

Cancellation/modification of a reservation is possible at no charge up to 5 days before your arrival date, before 6:00 PM. After this date, the total reservation amount will be due.

A booking confirmation is sent to the email provided during the request. If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder and/or contact us to verify. Not receiving the confirmation is not a valid cancellation condition.

In case of dispute, Belgian legislation will be applied. Furthermore, without prejudice to the law of 06.04.2010 regarding market practices and consumer protection, the courts of Tournai will have jurisdiction.

Payment methods

 Accepted credit cards