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Check in Check-in possible between 16:00 and 19:00.
Check out Check-out possible between 8:00 and 11:00.

Booking terms & conditions

Hereby conditions and cancellation policy.The applied amounts en percentages are to be paid by the guest.

Special conditions are prior to the main cancellation conditions when applied.

Main conditions and policy (Individual booking)

  • Less than 48 hrs before date of arrival: first night

Special conditions (groups*)

  • Between 7 and 0 day(s) before arrival: 100%
  • Between 21 and 8 Days before arrival: 50 %
  • More than 3 weeks before arrival: 25,00 EUR

(*) groups = Every booking of 3 or more rooms


Early check in
is not possible for practical reasons/room changes. The only solution we can offer you is to book 2 consecutive nights so you have the chance to check in whenever you wish.

Payment methods


Food & drinks Restaurant, Bar
General Swimming pool, Garden, Pets allowed, Terrace
Activities Hiking