Check in Check-in possible between 16:00 and 22:00.
Check out Check-out possible until 11:00.

Booking terms & conditions

Cancellation policy

While making a reservation for the Plopsa Hotel, you have the possibility to add a cancellation option for an amount of €5.00 per person per night. It is not possible to add the Plopsa cancellation option to your reservation after it has been made.

In this way, your cancellation is completely free if a valid and substantiated reason is being given.

1. I have opted for the Plopsa cancellation option and want to cancel

In this case you can cancel free of charge if you can provide an official document with the reason for cancellation within 14 days after cancellation. The following events are eligible for this:

  • Death, illness or accident of the insured, the life companion or a family member up to the 2nd degree
  • Serious, unexpected complications during pregnancy
  • Dismissal, withdrawal of leave, re-examination
  • Divorce or de facto separation
  • Occupational convocation (military, police, health personnel, ...)
  • Serious material damage (fire, storm damage, flooding, etc.) to property
  • Home or carjacking
  • Call for the adoption of a child or for organ transplantation

When you have to interrupt your stay at the Plopsa Hotel for one of these valid reasons, the non-recoverable part of the paid sum will be reimbursed in proportion to the number of nights not taken, to be calculated from the day of the premature return.

In both cases, a registered letter must be sent within 14 days to the Plopsa Hotel, De Pannelaan 68, 8660 De Panne, Belgium. Please mention your reservation number and name (or a copy of your confirmation e-mail) and an official document to prove one of the above reasons.

In the event of a no-show (or no notification), we will charge 100% of the sum as a cancellation fee.

2. I have not opted for Plopsa's cancellation option and want to cancel

If you have not chosen to add the cancellation option of Plopsa when making your reservation, unfortunately it is not possible to cancel your reservation. It is not possible to add the Plopsa cancellation option to your reservation after it has been made.

Please note that the above conditions do not apply to group arrangements and B2B prices. In this case, the cancellation conditions can be found on the offer and/or order forms.

General sales terms and conditions

1. Prices and possible discounts will be recorded in writing between the parties.

2. The reservation of a group visit cannot be annulled later than 7 days before the date of visit. If the client would annul the group visit less than 7 days before the date of the group visit, or if the group would not show up on the day of the visit, the client will be charged with  a bill for 25% of the total amount for the group visit, except in the case where the client can proof a situation of force majeure. This condition is not applicable in case of a ‘rent-a-park’ or if the client has concluded a written cooperation agreement with PLOPSA.

3. Any protest relating to the invoice or relating to the delivered goods or delivered services, must be announced by registered letter, at the latest eight days after receipt of the invoice, or the delivery of the goods or services. Any complaints must be properly motivated.

4. The goods or services will be invoiced in proportion with their delivery, even though it is partially.

5. Unless otherwise agreed in writing all invoices are payable in cash. This means that the invoice amounts must be deposited within eight days after the invoice date on one of the bank accounts as mentioned on the invoice.

6. The customer shall by the simple passing of maturity be in default and this without any notice is required. The non-payment of an invoice on the due date causes the immediate exigibility of all outstanding amounts.

7. In the event of non-payment on the due date, the invoice shall, by rights and without formal notice, be increased with an annual interest of 12%. In addition, the amount of the unpaid invoice will be increased with 15%, with a minimum of 62 Euro, by way of conventional and lump-sum damages. In addition, for every notice send an additional administrative fee of 5 Euro and 10 Euro for a registered notice will be charged.

8. If an invoice has to be made for an amount less than 50 euro, an administration cost of 5 euro will be charged.

9. Purchase conditions of the customer cannot be opposed to Plopsaland NV, NV Ter Hoeve SA, NV Plopsa Hotel SA, Plopsa SRL, Plopsa BV, Holiday Park GmbH Betrieb Für Freizeitgestaltung GmbH & Co KG or NV Studio Plopsa SA. Any deviation of these general terms and conditions has to be stipulated in writing.

10. Any dispute shall fall under the competence of the courts of Veurne. The Belgian law is applicable.

11. During check-in at the hotel a pre-authorisation of €250 will be requested on the customer's credit card. This pre-authorisation will serve as a guarantee for the stay, giving the establishment a payment authorisation based on the customer's actual spending of the authorised amount. After the customer leaves at the end of the stay, only the actual invoice amount will be debited by the establishment, without the physical presence of the customer or a new validation being required.

12. All prices don't include tourist taxes.


The Hotel Guest will provide a credit card when making the reservation or at the time of check-in, the details of which will be noted by Plopsa Hotel. Credit cards will be authorised at check-in to cover additional charges in the amount of €250.00 per room.

For debit cards, an amount of €250.00 per room will be deducted at check-in as a deposit.

A deposit of at least €250.00 per room is also required for groups and companies.

If the Hotel Guest does not make payment by the agreed deadline, or makes use of Plopsa Hotel facilities (e.g. bar, restaurant, etc.) that are not declared at check-out, Plopsa Hotel will be entitled to deduct or deduct these via credit card from the deposit paid.

Payment methods

 Accepted credit cards

 Direct payment provided by Ingenico

Internet Free WIFI
Parking Parking
Food & drinks Restaurant, Bar, Breakfast buffet
Services Luggage storage, Airport shuttle, Laundry service, Room service, Close to tram stop
General Swimming pool, Non-smoking rooms, Elevator, Terrace, Children play ground, Business centre, Meeting/Banquet Facilities, Bus stop nearby