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We are a local Marsaxlokk family that set up Port View in 2013. Aiming to make our Bed and Breakfast Guesthouse a prime accommodation for anyone visiting Malta, you can expect the best care and service possible. The best proof of this is certainly the reviews we received from past residents of our guesthouse. We speak English fluently, and Italian is also another language which we understand and speak well. When residing at our guesthouse you can expect a warm and comfortable atmosphere. We also know that travelling to a foreign country where you have never been to means that you would need all the help you can get to roam around. That is why we make sure to provide guidance and useful tips to anyone residing at Port View about the best places to visit in Malta.

Prijava Prijava je moguća između 14:00 i 19:00.
Odjava Odjava je moguća između 11:00 i 11:30.

Booking terms & conditions

Ovime se utvrđuju uvjeti i odredbe o otkazivanju. Primijenjene iznose i postotke plaća gost. Posebni uvjeti su prije glavnih uvjeta otkazivanja, ako se primjenjuju. Glavni uvjeti i pravila (pojedinačne rezervacije), Manje od 48 sati prije datuma dolaska: prva noć. Posebni uvjeti (grupe*), od 7 do 0 dana prije dolaska: 100%. Od 21 do 8 dana prije dolaska: 50%. Više od 3 tjedna prije dolaska: 25,00 EUR. (*) grupe = Svaka rezervacija 3 ili više soba.
Načini plaćanja

 Prihvaćene kreditne kartice

Internet Internet services
Food & drinks Continental Breakfast
Services Luggage storage, Safe deposit box, Ticket service, Tour desk
General Non Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Elevator, Terrace, Harbour, Near Airport