; ;
2, Derb Chelligui, Sidi Ben Slimane
40000 Marrakech (Morocco)
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The heart of Marrakech
As when reading a book, Marrakech is ready to be leafed through. It will welcome and pamper you with that unique sense of warmth that only Morocco can offer. You will feel exhilarated by the smell of its perfumes and its light, it will be an encounter that your traveller’s soul should not miss.
The Riad Kheirredine has 14 unique rooms and draws its energy and originality from its capacity to function as a bridge, a connection, between the past and the present. Thanks to the refined use of silk and the art of the ”thadelakt”and the “zellij”, you will be able to discover the true soul of this country.
Sit down and sip a nice hot tea or enjoy your dinner under the starred sky, relax under the sun, look at the horizon past the roofs of the buildings and the palm trees, where the snow reigns over the African continent.
Trenutačno tražimo najbolje dostupne sobe ...
2, Derb Chelligui, Sidi Ben Slimane
40000 Marrakech (Morocco)
Cijene u stranim valutama samo su indikativne i služe isključivo u informativne svrhe. Rezervacije se obrađuju isključivo u valuti hotel.