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Check in Check-in possible between 16:00 and 20:00.
Check out Check-out possible between 7:00 and 11:00.

Booking terms & conditions

Cancellation policy

  • You can cancel for free up to 14 days before arrival.
  • You pay the total price of the reservation if you cancel within 14 days before arrival
  • If you do not show up (no-show), the no-show costs are equal to the cancellation costs


  • At the time of booking you can opt to
    • to pay directly (via bank transfer or online payment), or
    • have your credit card validated and have Woods & Wine charge the card no later than 14 days before arrival
  • In the event of cancellation up to 14 days before arrival, any amounts already paid will be refunded free of charge.


Payment methods

 Accepted credit cards

 Direct payment provided by Mollie

 Wire transfer

Internet Free WIFI
Parking Free parking
Food & drinks Bar, Breakfast buffet
Services Luggage storage, Bike rental
General Non-smoking rooms, Family rooms, Garden, Gay friendly, Terrace, Country-side, Forest, Museum Area
Activities Cycling, Hiking, Shopping Center, Sightseeing, Restaurants and bars