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B&B Baron's House is situated in a recently renovated monumental building from 1705. Each room is equipped with a flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi.

The romantic rooms have private facilities. An extensive breakfast is served in the morning.

B&B Baron's House is situated in the heart of the beautiful De Doode Bemde Valley. This area is ideal for walking and cycling. Leuven is 8 km away and Brussels 15 km.

Įsiregistravimas Įsiregistruoti galima nuo 15:00 iki 21:00.
Išsiregistravimas Išsiregistruoti galima iki 11:00.

Užsakymo sąlygos

Your credit card details are required to guarantee your booking up to your arrival at the hotel. Payment will be made exclusively to the hotel. If you cannot take up your booking, you need to cancel no later than 1 day(s) before your date of arrival. Please take into account that the date of arrival starts at 0.00 am (CET.) Any booking not taken up and not cancelled 1 day(s) before arrival will be billed at a cost equivalent to the price of the first night. A different cancellation policy applies for group and long-term bookings. The hotel will contact you within 24 hrs. in this case.

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