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Free parking
Pets allowed
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Check in | Check-in possible between 15:00 and 18:00. |
Check out | Check-out possible between 8:00 and 11:00. |
Booking terms & conditions |
Bookings up to two rooms can be canceled free of charge up to 72-hours in advance Bookings of three or more rooms will be charged to the Standerd Terms and Agreements of Horeca |
Payment methods |
Direct payment provided by Mollie |
Cancellation Policy | Bookings up to 2 rooms can be canceled free of charge up to 24-hours in advance Bookings of 3 or more rooms can be canceled free of charge up to 1 week before arrival, after which a fee may apply |
Openinghours Restaurant Vlint21 | Restaurant Vlint21, which is located next to the hotel, is open for dinner from Thursday to Monday. Reservations can be made via vlint21.nl It is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, but our village has plenty of alternatives |
Internet | Free WIFI |
Parking | Free parking |
Food & drinks | Restaurant |
Services | Bike rental |
General | Pets allowed, City centre, Museum Area, Bus stop nearby |
Prices in foreign currencies are merely indicative and for information purposes only. Reservations are handled exclusively in the currency of the hotel.